【TOEIC】Part7 ダブルパッセージの例題・練習問題

TOEIC Part7 ダブルパッセージの例題・練習問題を掲載しています。



Questions 1-3 refer to the following email exchange.

**From:** John Smith
**To:** Emma Johnson
**Subject:** Meeting Reschedule

Hi Emma,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to inform you that our meeting scheduled for September 20th at 10:00 AM needs to be rescheduled. Unfortunately, I have a conflict with another important meeting at that time.

Could we possibly move our meeting to September 21st at 2:00 PM instead? Please let me know if this new time works for you.

Best regards,

**From:** Emma Johnson
**To:** John Smith
**Subject:** Re: Meeting Reschedule

Hi John,

Thank you for letting me know. September 21st at 2:00 PM works perfectly for me. I will update my calendar accordingly.

Looking forward to our meeting.



  1. Why does John want to reschedule the meeting?
    • (A) He has another important meeting at the same time.
    • (B) He is not feeling well.
    • (C) He forgot about the original meeting.
    • (D) He is going on a business trip.
  2. When is the rescheduled meeting?
    • (A) September 20th at 10:00 AM
    • (B) September 21st at 2:00 PM
    • (C) September 21st at 10:00 AM
    • (D) September 20th at 2:00 PM
  3. What does Emma plan to do after receiving John’s email?
    • (A) Cancel the meeting
    • (B) Update her calendar
    • (C) Call John to confirm
    • (D) Suggest a different time


問題1 (A) He has another important meeting at the same time.
→ Johnのメールには、「Unfortunately, I have a conflict with another important meeting at that time.」と書かれています。これは、「残念ながら、その時間に他の重要な会議があるため」と訳せます。

問題2 (B) September 21st at 2:00 PM
→ Johnのメールで提案された新しい会議の日時は「September 21st at 2:00 PM」です。Emmaもその日時を承諾しています。

問題3 (B) Update her calendar
Emmaの返信メールには、「I will update my calendar accordingly.」と書かれています。これは、「カレンダーを更新します」という意味です。


From: John Smith john.smith@example.com
To: Emma Johnson emma.johnson@example.com
Subject: Meeting Reschedule

Hi Emma,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to inform you that our meeting scheduled for September 20th at 10:00 AM needs to be rescheduled. Unfortunately, I have a conflict with another important meeting at that time.

Could we possibly move our meeting to September 21st at 2:00 PM instead? Please let me know if this new time works for you.

Best regards,

From: Emma Johnson emma.johnson@example.com
To: John Smith john.smith@example.com
Subject: Re: Meeting Reschedule

Hi John,

Thank you for letting me know. September 21st at 2:00 PM works perfectly for me. I will update my calendar accordingly.

Looking forward to our meeting.



文書1: E-mail

From: HR Department
To: All Employees
Subject: New Health and Wellness Program

Dear Team,

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Health and Wellness Program starting next month. This program is designed to promote a healthier lifestyle among our employees. It includes weekly fitness classes, nutritional workshops, and mental health support sessions.

To kick off the program, we will be hosting a Health Fair on the first Monday of next month. There will be free health screenings, fitness demonstrations, and healthy snacks available. We encourage everyone to participate and take advantage of these resources.

Best regards,
HR Department

文書2: Memo

To: All Department Heads
From: HR Department
Subject: Health and Wellness Program Participation

Dear Department Heads,

As part of our new Health and Wellness Program, we would like to request your support in encouraging your team members to participate in the upcoming Health Fair. Your involvement is crucial to the success of this initiative.

Please remind your teams about the event and encourage them to attend. We believe that a healthy workforce is a productive workforce, and your support will make a significant difference.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
HR Department


  1. According to the email, what will be available at the Health Fair?
    • A. Free health screenings
    • B. Fitness classes
    • C. Nutritional workshops
    • D. Mental health support sessions
  2. What is the main purpose of the memo?
    • A. To announce the launch of the Health and Wellness Program
    • B. To request support from department heads
    • C. To provide details about the fitness classes
    • D. To inform about the nutritional workshops
  3. What is indicated about the Health and Wellness Program?
    • A. It will start next week
    • B. It includes mental health support sessions
    • C. It is only for department heads
    • D. It will replace the current health program


質問1(According to the email, what will be available at the Health Fair?メールによると、健康フェアでは何が提供されるのか?)について、
メールの内容を確認すると、Health Fairでは「free health screenings, fitness demonstrations, and healthy snacks available」と記載されています。選択肢の中で「free health screenings」が該当します。したがって、正解は A. Free health screenings です。

質問2(What is the main purpose of the memo?主な目的は何ですか?)について、2つ目のメールの内容を確認すると、主な目的は「request your support in encouraging your team members to participate in the upcoming Health Fair」と記載されています。これは部門長に対してサポートを依頼する内容です。したがって、正解は B. To request support from department heads です。

質問3(What is indicated about the Health and Wellness Program?健康とウェルネス プログラムについては何が示されていますか?)について、1つ目のメールの内容を確認すると、「This program is designed to promote a healthier lifestyle among our employees. It includes weekly fitness classes, nutritional workshops, and mental health support sessions」と記載されています。これにより、プログラムには「mental health support sessions」が含まれていることがわかります。したがって、正解は B. It includes mental health support sessions です。


文書1: メール

From: HR Department
To: All Employees
Subject: New Health and Wellness Program

件名: 新しい健康とウェルネスプログラムについて

Dear Team,

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Health and Wellness Program starting next month.

This program is designed to promote a healthier lifestyle among our employees.

It includes weekly fitness classes, nutritional workshops, and mental health support sessions.

To kick off the program, we will be hosting a Health Fair on the first Monday of next month.

There will be free health screenings, fitness demonstrations, and healthy snacks available.

We encourage everyone to participate and take advantage of these resources.

Best regards,
HR Department

文書2: メモ

To: All Department Heads
From: HR Department
Subject: Health and Wellness Program Participation
件名: 健康とウェルネスプログラムへの参加について

Dear Department Heads,

As part of our new Health and Wellness Program, we would like to request your support in encouraging your team members to participate in the upcoming Health Fair.

Your involvement is crucial to the success of this initiative.

Please remind your teams about the event and encourage them to attend.

We believe that a healthy workforce is a productive workforce, and your support will make a significant difference.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
HR Department



Questions 1-3 refer to the following email and advertisement.

From: John Smith
To: Marketing Team
Subject: New Product Launch

Hi Team,

I hope this email finds you well. As you know, we are preparing for the launch of our new product, the EcoSmart Water Bottle, next month. I wanted to share some important details and the advertisement draft for your review.

The EcoSmart Water Bottle is designed to keep beverages cold for up to 24 hours and hot for up to 12 hours. It is made from 100% recycled materials and is BPA-free. We believe this product will appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Please review the attached advertisement and provide your feedback by the end of the week. Your input is crucial to ensure we have a successful launch.

Best regards,


Introducing the EcoSmart Water Bottle!

Keeps beverages cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours
Made from 100% recycled materials
Available in multiple colors
Join us in making a difference. Choose EcoSmart for a sustainable future.


According to the email, what is one feature of the EcoSmart Water Bottle?
A. It is available in only one color.
B. It is made from recycled materials.
C. It can keep beverages cold for 12 hours.
D. It is not BPA-free.

What does John request from the marketing team?
A. To finalize the product design.
B. To review the advertisement draft.
C. To prepare a sales report.
D. To conduct a market survey.

What is the main purpose of the advertisement?
A. To announce a discount on the product.
B. To highlight the product’s environmental benefits.
C. To compare the product with competitors.
D. To explain the manufacturing process.


According to the email, what is one feature of the EcoSmart Water Bottle?
(メールによると、EcoSmart ウォーターボトルの特徴は何ですか?)

メールには「The EcoSmart Water Bottle is designed to keep beverages cold for up to 24 hours and hot for up to 12 hours. It is made from 100% recycled materials and is BPA-free.」と記載されています。よって、選択肢B「It is made from recycled materials.」が正しい情報です。

What does John request from the marketing team?

メールの中でJohnは「Please review the attached advertisement and provide your feedback by the end of the week.」と述べています。したがって、マーケティングチームに広告のドラフトをレビューするよう依頼しています。
よって、選択肢B「To review the advertisement draft.」が正しい情報です。

what is the main purpose of the advertisement?

広告には「Made from 100% recycled materials」「BPA-free」「Join us in making a difference. Choose EcoSmart for a sustainable future.」といった環境に配慮した特徴が強調されています。したがって、広告の主な目的は製品の環境への利点を強調することです。よって、選択肢B「To highlight the product’s environmental benefits.」が正しい情報です。


From: John Smith

To: Marketing Team

Subject: New Product Launch
件名: 新製品発売

Hi Team,

I hope this email finds you well.

As you know, we are preparing for the launch of our new product, the EcoSmart Water Bottle, next month.

I wanted to share some important details and the advertisement draft for your review.

The EcoSmart Water Bottle is designed to keep beverages cold for up to 24 hours and hot for up to 12 hours.

It is made from 100% recycled materials and is BPA-free.

We believe this product will appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Please review the attached advertisement and provide your feedback by the end of the week.

Your input is crucial to ensure we have a successful launch.

Best regards,


**Introducing the EcoSmart Water Bottle!**

– Keeps beverages cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours
– 飲み物を24時間冷たく、12時間温かく保ちます

– Made from 100% recycled materials
– 100%リサイクル素材で作られています

– BPA-free
– BPAフリー

Available in multiple colors
– 複数の色でご利用いただけます

Join us in making a difference. Choose EcoSmart for a sustainable future.

1. According to the email, what is one feature of the EcoSmart Water Bottle?
– A. It is available in only one color.
A. 1色のみで利用可能です。
– B. It is made from recycled materials.
B. リサイクル素材で作られています。
– C. It can keep beverages cold for 12 hours.
C. 飲み物を12時間冷たく保つことができます。
– D. It is not BPA-free.
D. BPAフリーではありません。

2. What does John request from the marketing team?
– A. To finalize the product design.
A. 製品デザインを最終決定すること。
– B. To review the advertisement draft.
B. 広告のドラフトをレビューすること。
– C. To prepare a sales report.
C. 売上報告書を作成すること。
– D. To conduct a market survey.
D. 市場調査を行うこと。

3. What is the main purpose of the advertisement?
– A. To announce a discount on the product.
A. 製品の割引を発表すること。
– B. To highlight the product’s environmental benefits.
B. 製品の環境への利点を強調すること。
– C. To compare the product with competitors.
C. 製品を競合他社と比較すること。
– D. To explain the manufacturing process.
D. 製造プロセスを説明すること。


**Email 1:**
From: Marketing Department
To: All Employees
Subject: New Product Launch Strategy
Date: September 18, 2024

Dear Team,

We are excited to announce the launch of our new product line next month. To ensure a successful launch, we need everyone’s cooperation. Please review the attached marketing strategy document and provide your feedback by the end of this week. Your insights are crucial for refining our approach and achieving our sales targets.

Best regards,
Marketing Department

**Email 2:**
From: John Smith
To: Marketing Department
Subject: Re: New Product Launch Strategy
Date: September 19, 2024

Dear Marketing Team,

Thank you for sharing the strategy document. I have a few suggestions that might help improve our outreach. Firstly, we should consider increasing our social media presence, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where our target demographic is most active. Additionally, collaborating with influencers could significantly boost our visibility.

Looking forward to discussing these ideas further.

John Smith

1. What is the main purpose of the first email?
– A) To announce a new product launch
– B) To request feedback on a marketing strategy
– C) To inform about a meeting schedule
– D) To provide sales targets

2. By when does the Marketing Department expect feedback on the strategy document?
– A) By the end of the month
– B) By the end of the week
– C) By the end of the day
– D) By the end of the year

3. What platform does John Smith suggest increasing presence on?
– A) Facebook
– B) Twitter
– C) Instagram
– D) LinkedIn

4. What additional strategy does John Smith propose?
– A) Reducing product prices
– B) Collaborating with influencers
– C) Launching a new website
– D) Hosting a live event

5. What is the relationship between the two emails?
– A) The first email is a response to the second email
– B) The second email is a response to the first email
– C) Both emails are unrelated
– D) Both emails are from the same person


  1. What is the main purpose of the first email?
    • 正解: B) To request feedback on a marketing strategy
    • 解説: 最初のメールの主な目的は、新製品の発売戦略に関するフィードバックを求めることです。メールには「Please review the attached marketing strategy document and provide your feedback by the end of this week」と書かれています。
  2. By when does the Marketing Department expect feedback on the strategy document?
    • 正解: B) By the end of the week
    • 解説:** マーケティング部門は「by the end of this week」と述べており、週末までにフィードバックを求めています。
  3. What platform does John Smith suggest increasing presence on?
    • 正解: C) Instagram
    • 解説: ジョン・スミスは「we should consider increasing our social media presence, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok」と述べており、特にInstagramとTikTokでの存在感を高めることを提案しています。
  4. What additional strategy does John Smith propose?
    • 正解: B) Collaborating with influencers
    • 解説: ジョン・スミスは「collaborating with influencers could significantly boost our visibility」と述べており、インフルエンサーとのコラボレーションを提案しています。
  5. What is the relationship between the two emails?
    • 正解: B) The second email is a response to the first email
    • 解説: 2つ目のメールは最初のメールに対する返信です。ジョン・スミスは「Thank you for sharing the strategy document」と述べており、最初のメールに言及しています。



Email 1:
From: Marketing Department
To: All Employees
Subject: New Product Launch Strategy
件名: 新製品発売戦略
Date: September 18, 2024
日付: 2024年9月18日

Dear Team,

We are excited to announce the launch of our new product line next month.

To ensure a successful launch, we need everyone’s cooperation.

Please review the attached marketing strategy document and provide your feedback by the end of this week.

Your insights are crucial for refining our approach and achieving our sales targets.

Best regards,
Marketing Department

Email 2:
From: John Smith
To: Marketing Department
Subject: Re: New Product Launch Strategy
件名: Re: 新製品発売戦略
Date: September 19, 2024
日付: 2024年9月19日

Dear Marketing Team,

Thank you for sharing the strategy document.

I have a few suggestions that might help improve our outreach.

Firstly, we should consider increasing our social media presence, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where our target demographic is most active.

Additionally, collaborating with influencers could significantly boost our visibility.

Looking forward to discussing these ideas further.

John Smith

  1. What is the main purpose of the first email?

    • A) To announce a new product launch
    • B) To request feedback on a marketing strategy
    • C) To inform about a meeting schedule
    • D) To provide sales targets
  2. By when does the Marketing Department expect feedback on the strategy document?

    • A) By the end of the month
    • B) By the end of the week
    • C) By the end of the day
    • D) By the end of the year
  3. What platform does John Smith suggest increasing presence on?

    • A) Facebook
    • B) Twitter
    • C) Instagram
    • D) LinkedIn
  4. What additional strategy does John Smith propose?

    • A) Reducing product prices
    • B) Collaborating with influencers
    • C) Launching a new website
    • D) Hosting a live event
  5. What is the relationship between the two emails?

    • A) The first email is a response to the second email
    • B) The second email is a response to the first email
    • C) Both emails are unrelated
    • D) Both emails are from the same person


TOEIC Part7問題の対策方法についてまとめました。
