出題項目 | 概要 | 配点 |
カード | カードに書かれた50文字程度の文章を音読 | 5点 |
質問1 | 音読した文章についての質問に回答 | 5点 |
質問2 | カードに描かれたイラストA内の人達の行動について説明(ある男性は釣りをしています。など) | 5点 |
質問3 | カードに描かれたイラストBの人の状況を説明(その女性は、タクシーに忘れ物をして走っています。など) | 5点 |
質問4 | 受験生自身への質問に対して、意見を回答 | 5点 |
質問5 | 受験生自身への質問に対して、意見を回答 | 5点 |
態度 | – | 3点 |
● 荷物を持ったまま面接官の待機している部屋へ入室し挨拶します。
● 着席前に面接カードを渡します。
(面接官)Can I have your card, please?
(受験生)Yes. Here you are.
● 着席します。
(面接官)Please have a seat.
(受験生)Thank you.
● 名前/級の確認と挨拶をします。
(面接官)May I have your name, please?
(受験生)Yes. My name is あなたの名前.
(面接官)this is the Grade Pre- 2 test, OK?
(面接官)How are you today?
(受験生)I’m fine, thank you.
● 問題カードを受け取ります。
(面接官)OK. Now, let’s start the test. Here’s your card.
(受験生)Thank you.(カードを受け取ります)
(面接官)First, please read the passage silently for 20 seconds.
(面接官)All right. Now, please read it aloud.
(面接官)Now, I’ll ask you five questions.
(面接官)No.1 According to the passage,…
(受験生)By using products made from recycled thing・・
● イラストAの質問・回答
(面接官)Now, please look at the people in Picture A.
(面接官)They are doing different things. Tell me as ・・
A man(woman) is writing the notebook.
A boy(girl) is riding a taxi. など
● イラストBの質問・回答
(面接官)Now, look at the girl in Picture B.
(面接官)Please describe the situation.
(受験生)He is running because the bus is about to leave.など
(面接官)please turn over the card and put it down.

● 受験生自身への質問に対して、意見を回答①
(面接官)Do you think fossil fuel will be more popular in the future?
(面接官)why?/Why not?
(受験生)Because I think that clean energy will be the mainstay in the future.
● 受験生自身への質問に対して、意見を回答②
(面接官)Do you usually read a book?
(面接官)why?/Please tell me more./Why not?
(受験生)I think reading a book is important because it can gain various knowledge.
他の質問例 | 意味 |
Do you often – ? | – |
Do you like to – ? | – |
Would you like to – ? | – |
Are You interested in – ? | – |
● 問題カードを面接官に渡します。
(面接官)All right. Mr./Ms. —, this is the end of the test.
(面接官)Could I have the card back, please?
(受験生)Here you are. → カードを渡します
● 退室
(面接官)You may go now.
(受験生)Thank you. → 席を立つ
● 笑顔で最後の挨拶を返します。
(面接官)Goodbye. Have a nice day.
(受験生)You, too. Goodbye.
【ポイント】質問1は「in this way」や「so」の直前に注目
質問1の「音読した文章についての質問に回答」は文章の「in this way(このようにして)」や「so(だから)」の直前に答えがあるケースが多いです。
︙ Many families use products made from recycled paper, and in this way, they try to make the environment better.
質問:How do many families try to make the environment better?
回答:By using products made from recycled paper.
「How〜?」で質問されたら「By Ving 〜」で答える
そのためにはcan、have, willなどの「助動詞」をうまく利用する必要があります。
We can . because~
It is important for us to ~ . because We will ~
I think ~. We have to ~.
Could you say that again?/Pardon?/Excuse me?
well・・・/Let me see・・・