The number of A is half of B(Aの数はBの半分)
The number of A is one third of B(Aの数はBの3分の1)
The number of A is two third of B(Aの数はBの3分の2)
The number of A is one quarter of B(Aの数はBの4分の1)
The number of A is one fifth of B(Aの数はBの5分の1)
The number of A increased twofold (Aの数はBの2倍に増加した)
The number of A increased threefold (Aの数はBの3倍に増加した)
The number of is quadruple that of B (Aの数はBの4倍)
The number of is five times more than that of B (Aの数はBの5倍)
The number of A doubled over the past decode (Aの数は過去10年で2倍となった)
The number of A tripled over the past decode (Aの数は過去10年で2倍となった)
The number of A tripled over the past decode (Aの数は過去10年で2倍となった)
A is double the number of B(Aの数はBの2倍)
The number of A halved in 2024(Aの数は2024年に半分となった)
