スマブラSP 海外勢のミェンミェン解説動画を題材に、英語のリスニングを学びます(2回目)。
what’s wrong friends like here and today
I’m gonna teach you two things with men men
I found very useful but
before we start I know a lot of you has been asking me what’s your opinion on men men I think
she’s a solid solid mentor she has a good ledge trappin she has good edge guarding good range but she lacks in recovery she lacks in like comboing and she lacks in dealing with pressure so yes she’s a solid mid-tier has great advantages but has also great disadvantages but let’s let’s go on what
we actually want to watch this video for is the two things I want to teach you first being how to make pressure on the ground and keep your ground speed up so thing is with minimun you see how I’m walking forward with minimun it’s kind of slow it’s kind of slow and if I start running I can’t it’s really difficult for me to drop my tail so I have to run and obnoxiously turn down the speed of my run and then use a tilt which is still really slow so what you want to do to neglect that you want to be in
incorporated – whoa you see this is a – walk it’s inputted if you go if you do a side input like a – and throw out a sea stick input like two frames after you get like a slide kind I know it’s not a slide but it’s like you’re – if you see the initial – gets cancelled by walk so this is her main that you see how her body is moving that get canceled into walk I think you can notice it by her hands I hope you’ve noticed Ellie let’s say you’ve noticed so do you want to do with that you can actually – and then go for
a gopher tilt so like this or like this so that’s that’s a – walk cancelled epitope so I’d say this is a really good way to like first punish people with her tilts so I’d say practice this seems like an essential tool to have with MinMin and if you’re struggling with – walking I’ll put a link in the description of another video I made about – walking where there is a hand cam showing you how to do this stuff but yet this is – walk you generally I think you’ll find a lot of use with this in in her meta game
but the second thing I want to show you actually is her pressuring with platform Susan the thing I actually discovered is that if she does this this can cover a lot like honest this covers so much so the RAM round covers all of this right so the whole of middle stage and a little brown while still I don’t know what to call the dragon the other arm covers the air so this it’s a very good strategy to use on battlefield mostly but you can of course use it on Smashville as well and you want the RAM around of course to cover low whilst the
other arms cover high and it will get punished if you keep the same rhythm of course but note that it’s a good base to go with and then adapt to your opponent later like for example if I’m Mario I will mainly go for landing backers with Mario but if my opponent starts reacting to that of course I have to change it so this is the same principle you want to have like a base like a safe base to go around with and then change later maybe you can change to megawatt if you want to and do stuff like this I don’t know
how good that is or maybe just do two dragons I don’t know what they call that I think they’re called dragons but anyway this is this was basically I would just want to show you two ways to pressure especially on battlefield and on the ground with the – walk of course you can – walk to XMS as well but I’ll you know force just one 2x rush so that’s not really important but yeah – walking to her jabs or in tilts really important in my opinion and I think she’s going to have a lot of fun against characters that are bad in the
air basically but yeah that’s that’s that’s all I had for today if you guys enjoyed the video please subscribe and like this patch is it was great I know she didn’t get a lot of buffs she got a good estimate fixed but we happy alright we happy we’re gonna grind out videos for you guys and yeah I’ll see you guys soon bye
