Fuyuki Motors.
hello, this is Kuro Emiya.
Can I speak to Ren Tosaka, please?
※電話で名乗るときは「This is 自分の名前」が鉄則、「I am 自分の名前」は不適切。
Certainly sir.Please hold the line.(かしこまりました。電話はそのままでお待ち下さい)
I’ll put you through.(お繋ぎいたします)
I’m afraid she’s out of the office at the moment.(残念ですが、彼は今外出しています)
Can I take a message?(伝言を承りましょうか?)
Yes, could you tell him Kuro Emiya of Kotomine Systems called, and could you have him call me back, please?
Certainly sir.(承りました)
Could you tell me youe number, please?(電話番号を教えて下さい)
Yes,it’s 090-….(はい、番号は090-…)
How about 5 o’click on Friday?
I’m sorry, but I have a meeting at that time.
I’m sorry, but I’m out of the office on that day.
Can you make it earylier/later?
Ok.How about 5 o’click on Thursday?
Great. See you on Thursday.
Look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
