【TOEIC】Part7 トリプルパッセージの例題・練習問題

TOEIC Part7 トリプルパッセージの例題・練習問題を掲載しています。


Email 1:

From: Sarah Johnson
To: All Employees
Subject: Upcoming Company Picnic

Dear Team,

I am excited to announce that our annual company picnic will be held on Saturday, October 5th, at Riverside Park. This year, we have planned a variety of activities including a barbecue, games, and a raffle with great prizes. Family members are welcome to join.

Please RSVP by September 25th so we can finalize the arrangements. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Best regards,
Sarah Johnson
HR Manager

Email 2:

From: Mark Thompson
To: Sarah Johnson
Subject: Re: Upcoming Company Picnic

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for organizing the picnic. I wanted to ask if there will be vegetarian options available at the barbecue. My family and I are vegetarians, and we would appreciate having some suitable food options.

Mark Thompson

Email 3:

From: Sarah Johnson
To: Mark Thompson
Subject: Re: Upcoming Company Picnic

Hi Mark,

Thank you for your email. Yes, we will have vegetarian options available at the barbecue. We want to ensure that everyone has a great time and enjoys the food.

Best regards,
Sarah Johnson


1. What is the main purpose of Sarah Johnson’s first email?
– (A) To announce a new company policy
– (B) To invite employees to a company event
– (C) To request feedback on a recent event
– (D) To introduce a new HR manager

2. By what date should employees RSVP for the company picnic?
– (A) October 5th
– (B) September 25th
– (C) September 30th
– (D) October 1st

3. What concern does Mark Thompson raise in his email?
– (A) The location of the picnic
– (B) The date of the picnic
– (C) The availability of vegetarian food
– (D) The cost of the picnic


問題1. What is the main purpose of Sarah Johnson’s first email?(Sarah Johnsonの最初のメールの主な目的は何ですか?)
– 解答: (B) To invite employees to a company event(社員を会社のイベントに招待するため)
– 解説: Sarah Johnsonのメールは、社員に対して「会社のピクニック」について知らせ、参加を促す内容です。彼女はイベントの詳細(日時、場所、アクティビティ)を説明し、参加の確認(RSVP)を求めています。

問題2. By what date should employees RSVP for the company picnic?(何日までに社員は会社のピクニックに参加するためにRSVPする必要がありますか?*)
– 解答: (B) 9月25日**
– 解説: Sarah Johnsonのメールには、「9月25日までにRSVPしてください」と明記されています。これは、イベントの準備を確定するための期限です。

問題3. What concern does Mark Thompson raise in his email?(Mark Thompsonがメールで提起した懸念は何ですか?)**
– 解答: (C) The availability of vegetarian food(ベジタリアンの食事の有無)
– 解説: Mark Thompsonのメールでは、彼と彼の家族がベジタリアンであるため、バーベキューでベジタリアンの食事が提供されるかどうかを尋ねています。Sarah Johnsonは、ベジタリアンのオプションが用意されていることを確認しています。


Email 1:

From: Sarah Johnson
To: All Employees
Subject: Upcoming Company Picnic

Dear Team,

I am excited to announce that our annual company picnic will be held on Saturday, October 5th, at Riverside Park. This year, we have planned a variety of activities including a barbecue, games, and a raffle with great prizes. Family members are welcome to join.

Please RSVP by September 25th so we can finalize the arrangements. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Best regards,
Sarah Johnson
HR Manager

差出人: Sarah Johnson
宛先: 全社員
件名: 会社のピクニックのお知らせ


毎年恒例の会社のピクニックが10月5日(土)にRiverside Parkで開催されることをお知らせします。今年はバーベキュー、ゲーム、素晴らしい賞品が当たる抽選会など、さまざまなアクティビティを計画しています。ご家族もご参加いただけます。


Sarah Johnson

Email 2:

From: Mark Thompson
To: Sarah Johnson
Subject: Re: Upcoming Company Picnic

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for organizing the picnic. I wanted to ask if there will be vegetarian options available at the barbecue. My family and I are vegetarians, and we would appreciate having some suitable food options.

Mark Thompson

差出人: Mark Thompson
宛先: Sarah Johnson
件名: Re: 会社のピクニックのお知らせ



Mark Thompson

Email 3:

From: Sarah Johnson
To: Mark Thompson
Subject: Re: Upcoming Company Picnic

Hi Mark,

Thank you for your email. Yes, we will have vegetarian options available at the barbecue. We want to ensure that everyone has a great time and enjoys the food.

Best regards,
Sarah Johnson

差出人: Sarah Johnson
宛先: Mark Thompson
件名: Re: 会社のピクニックのお知らせ



Sarah Johnson



From: Sarah Johnson
To: Marketing Team
Subject: New Campaign Launch
Date: September 18, 2024

Dear Team,

I hope this email finds you well. As you know, we are launching our new marketing campaign next week. I wanted to share some important details and updates with you.

Firstly, the campaign will focus on promoting our latest product, the EcoSmart Water Bottle. This product is made from 100% recycled materials and is designed to keep beverages cold for up to 24 hours. We believe this will appeal to our environmentally conscious customers.

Secondly, we have partnered with several influencers who will be posting about the EcoSmart Water Bottle on their social media channels. This should help us reach a wider audience and generate more interest in the product.

Lastly, please make sure to review the attached advertisement and provide any feedback by the end of the day. We want to ensure everything is perfect before the launch.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Best regards,
Sarah Johnson
Marketing Manager


**Introducing the EcoSmart Water Bottle!**

– Made from 100% recycled materials
– Keeps beverages cold for up to 24 hours
– Available in multiple colors
– Perfect for outdoor activities and everyday use

**Special Offer:**

Buy one EcoSmart Water Bottle and get a second one at 50% off! Limited time only.

Visit our website to learn more and place your order today!

1. What is the main focus of the new marketing campaign?
– A) Increasing social media followers
– B) Promoting the EcoSmart Water Bottle
– C) Launching a new website
– D) Partnering with new influencers

2. According to the email, what is one feature of the EcoSmart Water Bottle?
– A) It is available in only one color
– B) It keeps beverages cold for up to 12 hours
– C) It is made from 100% recycled materials
– D) It is designed for hot beverages

3. What is the purpose of partnering with influencers for the campaign?
– A) To create new product designs
– B) To reach a wider audience
– C) To reduce marketing costs
– D) To improve customer service

4. What special offer is mentioned in the advertisement?
– A) Free shipping on all orders
– B) Buy one, get one free
– C) Buy one, get a second one at 50% off
– D) 25% off all products

5. By when does Sarah Johnson request feedback on the advertisement?
– A) By the end of the week
– B) By the end of the day
– C) By the end of the month
– D) By the end of the campaign


  1. What is the main focus of the new marketing campaign?
    • 正解: B) Promoting the EcoSmart Water Bottle
    • 解説: メールの冒頭で、Sarah Johnsonは「the campaign will focus on promoting our latest product, the EcoSmart Water Bottle」と述べています。これがキャンペーンの主な焦点です。
  2. According to the email, what is one feature of the EcoSmart Water Bottle?
    • 正解: C) It is made from 100% recycled materials
    • 解説: メールには「This product is made from 100% recycled materials」と明記されています。これがEcoSmart Water Bottleの特徴の一つです。
  3. What is the purpose of partnering with influencers for the campaign?
    • 正解: B) To reach a wider audience
    • 解説: メールには「we have partnered with several influencers who will be posting about the EcoSmart Water Bottle on their social media channels. This should help us reach a wider audience」と書かれています。インフルエンサーとの提携の目的は、より広いオーディエンスにリーチすることです。
  4. What special offer is mentioned in the advertisement?
    • 正解: C) Buy one, get a second one at 50% off
    • 解説: 広告には「Buy one EcoSmart Water Bottle and get a second one at 50% off!」と記載されています。これが特別オファーです。
  5. By when does Sarah Johnson request feedback on the advertisement?
    • 正解: B) By the end of the day
    • 解説: メールの最後に「please make sure to review the attached advertisement and provide any feedback by the end of the day」と書かれています。Sarah Johnsonはその日の終わりまでにフィードバックを求めています。




From: Sarah Johnson
送信者: Sarah Johnson

To: Marketing Team
宛先: マーケティングチーム

Subject: New Campaign Launch
件名: 新しいキャンペーンの開始

Date: September 18, 2024
日付: 2024年9月18日

Dear Team,

I hope this email finds you well. As you know, we are launching our new marketing campaign next week. I wanted to share some important details and updates with you.

Firstly, the campaign will focus on promoting our latest product, the EcoSmart Water Bottle. This product is made from 100% recycled materials and is designed to keep beverages cold for up to 24 hours. We believe this will appeal to our environmentally conscious customers.
まず、キャンペーンは最新製品であるEcoSmart Water Bottleのプロモーションに焦点を当てます。この製品は100%リサイクル素材で作られており、飲み物を最大24時間冷たく保つように設計されています。環境意識の高いお客様にアピールできると考えています。

Secondly, we have partnered with several influencers who will be posting about the EcoSmart Water Bottle on their social media channels. This should help us reach a wider audience and generate more interest in the product.
次に、いくつかのインフルエンサーと提携し、彼らのソーシャルメディアチャンネルでEcoSmart Water Bottleについて投稿してもらいます。これにより、より広いオーディエンスにリーチし、製品への関心を高めることができるはずです。

Lastly, please make sure to review the attached advertisement and provide any feedback by the end of the day. We want to ensure everything is perfect before the launch.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Best regards,

Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson

Marketing Manager



Introducing the EcoSmart Water Bottle!

EcoSmart Water Bottleの紹介!

– Made from 100% recycled materials

– Keeps beverages cold for up to 24 hours

– Available in multiple colors

– Perfect for outdoor activities and everyday use

Special Offer:


Buy one EcoSmart Water Bottle and get a second one at 50% off! Limited time only.
EcoSmart Water Bottleを1つ購入すると、2つ目が50%オフ!期間限定です。

Visit our website to learn more and place your order today!

1. What is the main focus of the new marketing campaign?
– A) Increasing social media followers
– B) Promoting the EcoSmart Water Bottle
EcoSmart Water Bottleのプロモーション
– C) Launching a new website
– D) Partnering with new influencers

2. According to the email, what is one feature of the EcoSmart Water Bottle?
メールによると、EcoSmart Water Bottleの特徴の一つは何ですか?
– A) It is available in only one color
– B) It keeps beverages cold for up to 12 hours
– C) It is made from 100% recycled materials
– D) It is designed for hot beverages

3. What is the purpose of partnering with influencers for the campaign?
– A) To create new product designs
– B) To reach a wider audience
– C) To reduce marketing costs
– D) To improve customer service

4. What special offer is mentioned in the advertisement?
– A) Free shipping on all orders
– B) Buy one, get one free
– C) Buy one, get a second one at 50% off
– D) 25% off all products

5. By when does Sarah Johnson request feedback on the advertisement?
Sarah Johnsonは広告に対するフィードバックをいつまでに求めていますか?
– A) By the end of the week
– B) By the end of the day
– C) By the end of the month
– D) By the end of the campaign


TOEIC Part7問題の対策方法についてまとめました。
