【TOEIC】Part6 文脈問題の例題・練習問題

TOEIC Part6 文脈問題の例題・練習問題を掲載しています。



Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to inform you about the upcoming changes to our company’s health insurance policy. Starting next month, all employees ___ 1 ___ to choose from three different health insurance plans. Each plan offers a variety of benefits, so it is important to review them carefully.

Additionally, we will be holding a series of informational sessions to help you understand the new options. These sessions will be conducted by our HR department and will cover all aspects of the new plans. ___ 2 ___, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

We understand that this is a significant change, and we want to ensure that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department.


Jane Doe
HR Manager

(A) will be able
(B) will have been able
(C) have been able
(D) had been able

(A) In conclusion
(B) As a result
(C) Furthermore
(D) However

正解: (A) will be able
(A) will be able: 未来の出来事について述べる際に使われます。文脈から、来月から従業員が新しい健康保険プランを選べるようになることを示しています。
– (B) will have been able: 未来完了形で、特定の未来の時点までに何かが完了していることを示しますが、この文脈では適していません。
– (C) have been able: 現在完了形で、過去から現在までの期間を示しますが、未来の出来事について述べる文脈には合いません。
– (D) had been able: 過去完了形で、過去のある時点までに何かが完了していることを示しますが、この文脈には適していません。

正解:(C) Furthermore
(A) In conclusion(結論は~): 結論を述べる際に使われますが、ここでは情報を追加する文脈なので適していません。
– (B) As a result(結果として~): 結果を示す際に使われますが、ここでは情報を追加する文脈なので適していません。
(C) Furthermore(さらに~): さらに情報を追加する際に使われます。この文脈では、情報セッションについての追加情報を提供しています。
– (D) However(しかしながら~): 逆接を示す際に使われますが、ここでは適していません。

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to inform you about the upcoming changes to our company’s health insurance policy.

Starting next month, all employees will be able to choose from three different health insurance plans.

Each plan offers a variety of benefits, so it is important to review them carefully.

Additionally, we will be holding a series of informational sessions to help you understand the new options.

hese sessions will be conducted by our HR department and will cover all aspects of the new plans.

Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

We understand that this is a significant change, and we want to ensure that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department.


Jane Doe

HR Manager




To: All Employees
From: Human Resources Department
Subject: New Remote Work Policy

Dear Team,

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve work-life balance and increase productivity, we are pleased to announce a new remote work policy. Starting next month, employees will have the option to work from home up to three days a week. This policy is designed to provide more flexibility and reduce commuting time.

To ensure a smooth transition, we will be holding a series of training sessions on effective remote work practices. These sessions will cover topics such as time management, communication tools, and maintaining productivity while working remotely. We believe that with the right support and resources, everyone can benefit from this new policy.

___ [1] ___, we encourage all employees to attend these training sessions. Your participation will help you adapt to the new work environment and make the most of the opportunities it offers.

Additionally, please note that all remote work arrangements must be approved by your direct supervisor. ___ [2] ___, it is important to discuss your schedule and any potential challenges with them in advance.

We are confident that this new policy will have a positive impact on our work culture and overall job satisfaction. ___ [3] ___, should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Human Resources Department.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Human Resources Department


  1. (A) Therefore
    (B) However
    (C) Moreover
    (D) Consequently

  2. (A) Also
    (B) Consequently
    (C) However
    (D) Moreover

  3. (A) If
    (B) Even
    (C) Moreover
    (D) Consequently


  1. (C) Therefore(したがって)が正解。

  2. (B) Also(また)が正解。

  3. (D) Ifが正解。


To: All Employees
From: Human Resources Department
Subject: New Remote Work Policy

宛先: 全従業員
送信元: 人事部
件名: 新しいリモートワークポリシー

Dear Team,

This policy is designed to provide more flexibility and reduce commuting time.

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve work-life balance and increase productivity, we are pleased to announce a new remote work policy.

Starting next month, employees will have the option to work from home up to three days a week.

We believe that with the right support and resources, everyone can benefit from this new policy.

To ensure a smooth transition, we will be holding a series of training sessions on effective remote work practices.

These sessions will cover topics such as time management, communication tools, and maintaining productivity while working remotely.

___ [1] ___, we encourage all employees to attend these training sessions.

Your participation will help you adapt to the new work environment and make the most of the opportunities it offers.

Additionally, please note that all remote work arrangements must be approved by your direct supervisor.

___ [2] ___, it is important to discuss your schedule and any potential challenges with them in advance.

We are confident that this new policy will have a positive impact on our work culture and overall job satisfaction.

___ [3] ___ you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Human Resources Department.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Human Resources Department




TOEIC Part6問題の対策方法についてまとめました。
