




I did see the clip of Suisei going to McDonald’s

but I didn’t see what she said about it

but she was disappointed ?

she said it was mid?

I mean okay

as someone who has experienced both Japanese and American fast food restaurants
※as someone who has experienced A(Aの経験者として)

I do have to say objectively speaking

9 out of 10 times the Japanese one is better

with the only exception being Taco Bell
with the only exception being A(Aだけは例外だけど)

and excluding nuggets

nuggets in Japan

I don’t know what’s wrong with them they’re just bat
※I don’t know what’s wrong with A(Aの何が悪いかわからない)

I wish they had Culver’s in Japan

I would have eaten it and tested it for you

but uh Taco Bell just tastes wrong in Japan

but if we’re talking about McDonald’s

the McDonald’s in Japan is objectively better

however the taste is also objectively different

so I can see

how if she comes from Japan
※how if(もしも)

having already better McDonald’s

where usually like the construction of the burger is better
※the construction of A is better(Aの造りが良い)
and like usually they actually put things together in like a really nice way how she might look at that

and then like come to like an American one

where they just kind of like throw everything together

which I’m sorry

but that’s just how it goes

she probably tastes it different

and then it looks different

it is mid、it is mid

that’s just how it is


